Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ranger Cosplay finally finished!

I finally managed to finished my Ranger cosplay! So here's a pic of the finished cosplay, thanks to The Games of Republic for the pic!

 After the last update, I started sewing the coat together, bought some pants etc.

I also recieved the Pip-Boy kit and finished it pretty fast!

 Raw resin cast.
 Front piece finished.

The whole thing finished & attached to my arm.

Pretty much everything finished.. It just needed some more weathering (Never enough!) and some little details.

Painting the helmet.

 Shaped the plexiglass, attached the hose, attached reflecting foil to the plexiglass etc.

Attached the earpiece (not finished yet). Put some red foil on the plexiglas and filled remaining holes between the mask and the glass with bodyfiller + repainted the area around the eyes.

Bought a cheap toy and repainted it...

 I'm actually quite happy with the costume, but the best part is that I actually managed to finish everything before the Gamescom 2014!
Wearing the whole thing was a pain in the ass, it was really, really hot under the chestpiece and the leather coat. The coat actually managed to "dissolve" on the inside, leaving a bunch of brown particles on my skin... Oh well!
Thanks to everyone! :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Bunch of small updates!

As I already said, I remade the neck piece, which looks better now (Even though it looks kinda weird in the pic.

I also bought some fake leather and cut it intro stripes. Before I'll attach them to the pieces, they
ll get some nice weathering.

The stock for my rifle is also bent and glued together, before I apply primer, I'll use some filler on these gaps between the different parts.

And this is the first piece of the Armored Vault Suit. Glued everything together and applied some paint as primer.

Plate for the right leg, I already cut the holes for the belts and bent it. During the next days I'll apply acrylic paint to make it look like actual leather. 

And as a little bonus.. Tried to make a bracer for my Skyrim cosplay. Hopefully, it'll look better once it's painted.


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Really small update!

Started to apply resin to the helmet and started building an Anti-Material rifle from scratch:

Sorry for the bad image quality, next pics will be better again.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I'm back!

Nearly 2 years after my last post, I saw some pics of fallout cosplays, which motivated me quite a bit.
So I decided to start all over again, since my first try (just scroll down) wasn't that good.
After I found the Pepakura files, it was only a matter of a few evenings and the whole helmet was done! And it's looking waaaay better than my first attempt back in 2012.

Click to see full size image.
Now, making the papercraft part isn't really that special, so I ordered some EVA foam and started working on the chestpiece. After around a week it was done.

Click to see full size image.
I think it looks pretty good for my first time working with EVA foam. I used a hot air gun to bend the plates and an old soldering iron to create the battle damage. The different plates are attached to 2-3mm thick foam rubber, I used a hotglue gun to glue everything together.
The only thing that bothers me is this neck piece. I think I'm going to repaint it and make the "08" smaller.

Click to see full size image.
I also quickly made the arm and handplate for the right arm. I didn't bother to make one for the left arm since I ordered a Pip-Boy 3000.

I'm going to start working with the resin and filler on the helmet during the next few weeks and post it on this blog as soon as I'm making some progress!