Nope! Look what happens if you add some blacklight. It starts to glow!
And in the dark, it's even more impressive.
Some of you might know what I did, for the other ones, a short explanation.
I bought some tonic water and added blue food colouring in it.
But why tonic water and why is ist fluorescent?
One of the main ingredients of tonic water ist quinine. It gives it the bitter taste, and makes it fluorescent, which means it glows in a nice blue when exposed to blacklight.
I think about making some more and building something like a socket or base for them.
It's gonna be a long socket made out of colored wood or plastic, with a Nuka Cola logo.The part on the top of it will be transparent and I'll put a blacklight in it.
Oh, and by the way: You can leave comments without having a blogger account, so let me know what you think!
Edit: I got the Quantum label from here.
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